Title: Cleopatra and the Enchanting Emeralds: A Historic Royal Fascination
Emeralds have captivated humanity for centuries with their mesmerizing green hues and inherent beauty. They have been treasured gemstones coveted by royalty and renowned historical figures throughout the ages. In this blog, we will delve into the connection between Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt, and emeralds. Additionally, we will explore the fascination that various royals have had with these gemstones, their historical significance, and how emeralds compare to rubies in terms of value.
Cleopatra and Emeralds:
Cleopatra, often regarded as one of the most alluring figures in history, had an exceptional fondness for emeralds. She was known for her love of luxury and adorned herself with lavish jewelry, with emeralds being one of her favored gemstones. The emerald’s verdant shade perfectly complemented her regal persona and added to her charisma. Cleopatra’s emerald jewelry was not only aesthetically pleasing but also symbolized power, wealth, and fertility.
It is believed that the oldest emeralds that we know of are 2.97 billion years old. However Emeralds are believed to have been mined in Egypt first, around 1500 BC. Interestingly, Cleopatra claimed ownership of all Emerald mines in Egypt during her reign.
Emerald and trade routes:
The Spanish were responsible for trading emeralds they discovered in South America and, opened the trade routes to the World. Emeralds became popular amongst royalty.
Royal Fascination with Emeralds:
Indian Royals: Emeralds have held a special place in Indian royal heritage. Maharajas and Maharanis would often incorporate emeralds into their jewellery, particularly during the Mughal era. The ruler Shah Jahan, known for building the Taj Mahal, was particularly enamored with emeralds and had an unparalleled collection of emerald-encrusted jewellery.
Spanish Royals: The Spanish royal family has a long-standing affinity for emeralds. Queen Isabella of Castile, who sponsored Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the New World, possessed an impressive collection of emerald jewelry. Emeralds also played a prominent role in Spanish crown jewels and were passed down through generations.
Russian Royals: Emeralds captured the fascination of the Russian royals, notably Catherine the Great. She possessed an exquisite collection of emerald jewellery, including the famous Russian Imperial Emerald Tiara. This tiara featured large emeralds surrounded by diamonds, symbolizing the opulence of the Russian empire.
Some Historically Famous Emeralds:
The Chalk Emerald: A 37.82-carat Colombian emerald with a rich bluish-green color. It was once owned by the Indian Maharani of Baroda and is now housed in the National Gem Collection at the Smithsonian Institution.
The Emeralds of the Crown Jewels of Iran: The Iranian Crown Jewels, stored in the Central Bank of Iran, contain remarkable emerald pieces, including the Darya-ye Noor (“Sea of Light”) and the Taj-e Mah (“Crown of the Moon”).
Elizabeth Taylor’s Bulgari Emerald: Set in a brooch, this Emerald is 23.46 carat and this brooch was later sold at Christie’s. It is believed to be the most expensive piece of emerald jewellery sold at an auction.
Emeralds vs. Rubies:
Emeralds and rubies are both highly valuable gemstones, but their worth can vary depending on several factors such as size, color, clarity, and overall quality. In general, high-quality emeralds are considered rarer and more valuable than rubies. The rarity of top-quality emeralds, especially those with vivid green color and few inclusions, contributes to their higher price per carat compared to rubies. In fact, good quality Emeralds are often more expensive than diamonds also.
Emeralds have fascinated and enchanted royalty throughout history, and have symbolized power, wealth, and beauty. With their timeless appeal, they have managed to enthrall the World even till today and one can often see the Rich and the famous donning them with alacrity.